Mazelen in de regio Rotterdam-Rijnmond: dit moet je doen als je kind klachten heeft en hoe kun je je kind beschermen
Growing up healthily and safely. We all want this for children! This is why we see them regularly. We will follow your child from birth until his or her 18th birthday – completely free of charge – to see if he or she is developing well and to monitor their health. You can come to us as soon as you are pregnant. With about 50 CJGs throughout the Rotterdam-Rijnmond region, there is always a CJG close to you.
We offer support in the biggest undertaking in human lives. Our preventive care and support help build a strong foundation for parents and children. We are there for parents in all their child’s development phases. We work with you on the health and safety of your child and strive to do everything we can to ensure equal opportunities. We are there for every child and every family!
“It is reassuring to immediately get answers to my questions” Janneke Leewenstein, mother of Demi (8 years old)
Parents, children and youth can come to us with questions about child rearing, growing up and health. Our professionals, such as paediatricians, paediatric nurses, medical assistants and pedagogues, are there to give you advice and support.
As soon as you know that you are pregnant, you are welcome to contact us. We work with midwives, hospitals and maternity services. We also work closely with other organisations such as the local municipality, schools and other partners. When your child is born, the municipality will notify us. We will then contact you to arrange a meeting shortly after the birth, do a hearing test and, in some municipalities, a heel prick. It is your choice if you wish to use our services or not.
“If I can make a difference for even just one child, my work is already worthwhile” Ilona, Paediatrician
Until your child turns 18 years old, you will receive regular invitations from us for an appointment. This appointment is then at your home, at a CJG branch or at school. Or we will video call. We will look with you at how things are going with your child. If extra support, care or help is needed we will provide it if we can or help you find the right help.
Apart from the regular meetings to which we invite you and your child, we also hold courses (online) and themed sessions. These could be about introducing your baby to solid food, talking to your child and a socalled Teenager Challenge. See the course platform on our website for all the events that CJG Rijnmond and its partners offer. You are also welcome to drop by during the walk-in consultations at our CJG locations and at some schools. Parents, carers, children, young people and teachers can drop by. Check our website for when and where the walk-in consultations are held. Or ask about them at your child’s school.
A free course, meeting or webinar? Fun and informative. Sign up now on:
As much as we can, we plan appointments together. Pregnant women can make appointments for vaccinations themselves. Are you unexpectedly unable to come? Then change your appointment in You do this by logging in with your DigiD. In Mijn CJG Rijnmond, pregnant women and parents with children aged up to 12 years can view or change their personal details, see their children’s growth curve, fill in online questionnaires, or request their medical file. Every child has their own file in which we register their health and development. After registering, pregnant women receive an adult’s file in which we register the vaccinations during pregnancy.
Our professionals are subject to confidentiality. This means that we do not discuss anything with others. We only share information with other organisations or third parties with your permission. Should there be any extenuating circumstances, the law allows exceptions to be made. For more information about privacy, see our website:
“All my child’s information – from the growth curve to the appointments – in one place” Father of Arda (2 years old)
In the Netherlands you can protect your child free of charge from serious contagious diseases such as whooping cough, measles and meningococcal. This is done through the Government Vaccination Programme (Rijksvaccinatieprogramma). Our professionals give the vaccinations. You have probably visited us when you were pregnant (between the 22nd and 38th week of pregnancy) for the first whooping cough jab. Now that your child is born we will see each other regularly at the CJG, including for the vaccinations in the Government Vaccination Programme.
We believe that it is important that children are vaccinated, but you may decide for yourself if you want to use this service. If you have any doubts, we would be pleased to discuss them with you so that you can take a well considered decision that suits you. There is more information about our vaccinations on (in Dutch). You can also ask any questions you have about vaccinations during your appointments at the CJG.
We would like to help you in a way that feels right for you and to give you what you need. To help us do this, we would like to carry out a customer satisfaction survey. We will email questionnaires at random after we have had contact with you. If you fill in the questionnaire, we can further tailor our services to your needs. You can also share your experiences, ideas or complaints with us on (in Dutch).